Book Trailer Video of "Slants of Light-Inclinazioni di Luce"


Lidia Chiarelli "Inclinazioni di Luce - Slants of Light" - Cross-Cultural Communications, New York 2019

Riferimento: ISBN 978-0-89304-661-3


Katherine L. Gordon, Canada

REVIEW of SLANTS OF LIGHT by Lidia Chiarelli
The remarkable gift of combined  poetry and art in
Slants of Light lifts the reader out of dark corners
into a realm of light and beauty, like the miracle of spring
melting winter into flowers of the spirit.  The pages hold
the dance of life and light in the beats of heart-time: “the
rythmic breath of the city”, “the ebb and flow of moontide”.
The Priestess of Dawn portrait by Mary Kleefeld in this vibrant collection
of feminine rapture is an icon to the spirit of the book:  “ her
intoxicant smile”.
A fabulous collection of painting and poesy as antidote and inspiration
to every votive of the meaning of light that every heart seeks.
Katherine L. Gordon
Poet, publisher,anthologist, judge, reviewer and literary critic.
April 2019

Patricia Holt, Big Sur


Now I am moved all over again after reading your poems and the brief bios of the 12 intrepid women you have chosen to honor. Your choices were inspiring, as many I did not know and so was able to learn of other brave and visionary women. I was particularly taken by how you created poems so reflective of each particular woman, so each poem unique and in tribute to something essential you were moved by in their lives. And in each poem, your last stanzas were particularly striking and intense (at least to me!), and so leaving the reader with a powerful connection. Your choices too of the quotes below each name were evocative, with my favorites of the artists themselves by Niki, Diane, Frida, and Camille (haunting considering her last 30 years).

With all possible gratitude for your artistry.


Patricia Holt, Big Sur

April 2019

Annelisa Addolorato, Italy


Calendario mandala di sguardi e versi, per un anno costellato di bellezza, che accarezza gli occhi e l’udito: opere d’arte grafica e pittorica, fotografica, delicatamente intrecciate a versi, poesie alle prime dedicate.

Un giocoso e intenso rimando perpetuo, mese dopo mese, tratto dopo tratto, parola dopo parola, tra l’immaginario iconico di dodici grandi artiste plastiche del ‘900 e la luce scritta e che ne descrive il percorso: lungo un anno, lungo un perpetuo rinnovarsi in un silenzioso cammino, che dalle pagine emerge e prende vita, come il tempo che modifica il proprio corso, incontrando la propria voce passo dopo passo. La raffinata cascata estetica che sgorga da questo libro, realizzato con collage e rielaborazioni digitali di opere delle dodici artiste plastiche scelte, investe i nostri sensi come un catartico e spumoso bagno che purifica la nostra percezione a tutto campo. Apre la via, apre la vista, nel più sottile e penetrante dei modi, scandendo goccia a goccia la poetica di ogni opera, che si traduce in linguaggi affini, in una vitalità universale e universalista in cui le frontiere tra le arti e i generi, sia artistici che sessuali, mutano di peso, come anche l’ombra, che svela del femminile la indiscutibile terrestre perfezione. Si evidenzia la luce del  regno di ognuna di queste regine, insieme all’abbraccio caldo e avvolgente che le parole poetiche danno, come una speciale cornice su misura, in materiale speciale, alle forme del loro immaginario.

Le voci scritte nella luce, pittoriche, scolpite, delle giganti dell’arte Rebecca Horn, Louise Bourgeois, Niki de Saint Phalle, Lenore ‘Lee’ Krasner, Sonia Delaunay, Daphne Maughan Casorati, Georgia Totto O’Keeffe, Diane Arbus, Frida Kahlo, Camille Claudel, Tamara de Łempicka, Carolyn  Mary Kleefeld, rivisitate,  incontrano il colore dei versi dell’eclettica artista Lidia Chiarelli, che rendendo omaggio a tutte loro, lo rende in questo modo all’arte tutta. Se “la conoscenza è una visione totale e istantanea della realtà” (Octavio Paz), l’arte la trascende, donandoci la preziosità unica del suo sentire.


Annelisa Addolorato,

poetessa, Italy

Peter Thabit Jones on THE SEVENTH QUARRY - Issue 30, Summer Autumn  2019

THE SEVENTH QUARRY – issue 30 – summer autumn 2019

BOOKS and magazines received 

SLANTS OF LIGHT TRIBUTE TO WOMEN’S ART / Inclinazionid di luce: Omaggio all'arte al femminile by Lidia Chiarelli-

Illustrated by Carolyn Mary Kleefeld and Gianpiero Actis. Edited by Stanley H. Barkan. Available from Cross- Cultural Communications, USA. Price: $10.00.  This is a bilingual (Italian-English) art & poetry tribute to women collection. It includes the works of 12 women artists—Rebecca Horn, Louise Bourgeois, Niki de Saint Phalle, Lee Krasner, Sonia Delaunay, Daphne Maugham Casorati, Georgia O'Keeffe, Diane Arbus, Frida Kahlo, Camille Claudet, Tamara de Lempicka, Carolyn Mary Kleefeld—arranged in calendar order January-December.


The poetry is by Lidia Chiarelli in both languages. Famous poets are quoted in the epigraphs, including Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Edward Lear, and Dylan Thomas. 

Peter Thabit Jones on THE SEVENTH QUARRY - Issue 31, Winter Spring  2020

SLANTS OF LIGHT: TRIBUTE TO WOMEN’S ART / Inclinazionid di luce: Omaggio all'arte al femminile by Lidia Chiarelli 

Illustrated by Carolyn Mary Kleefeld and Gianpiero Actis. Edited by Stanley H. Barkan 

Winner of the LORD BYRON - GOLFO DEI POETI PRIZE and other prizes. 

This is a bilingual (Italian-English) art & poetry tribute to women collection. It includes the works of 12 women artists—Rebecca Horn, Louise Bourgeois, Niki de Saint Phalle, Lee Krasner, Sonia Delaunay, Daphne Maugham Casorati, Georgia O'Keeffe, Diane Arbus, Frida Kahlo, Camille Claudet, Tamara de Lempicka, Carolyn Mary Kleefeld—arranged in calendar order January-December. The poetry is by Lidia Chiarelli in both languages. Famous poets are quoted in the epigraphs, including Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Edward Lear, and Dylan Thomas. 



Price: $10. Available from Cross-Cultural Communications, USA

Patricia Holt, USA (2022)

I congratulate you on such a striking tribute to women artists! Your choices of the artists are inspiring (and thank you of course for including Carolyn), your poems are thoughtful and revealing, and your art is original and is so in alignment with the artists and your poetry! Thank you for such a treasure!


Patricia Holt, California

September 2022


Premio Speciale per la tematica LORD BYRON PORTO VENERE GOLFO DEI POETI 2019

Premio Speciale di Arti Letterarie Metropoli di Torino - commento critico

Premio Speciale della giuria - Il Meleto di Guido Gozzano 2019