E BOOK 2017

Anthology (POEMS and IMAGES)
Immagine & poesia-vol.4.pdf
Documento Adobe Acrobat 4.1 MB

E BOOK 2016

Anthology (POEMS and IMAGES)
Immagine & poesia-vol.3.pdf
Documento Adobe Acrobat 3.3 MB

E BOOK 2015

Artists and Poets from 27 countries of the 5 continents are gathered here for the love of Beauty and Peace
Immagine & Poesia-2015.pdf
Documento Adobe Acrobat 3.2 MB

E BOOK 2014

Immagine & poesia - Around the world, Volume 1
Lidia Chiarelli and Huguette Betrand present the 1st Volume of IMMAGINE & POESIA - Around the World
Immagine&Poesia - vol. 1.pdf
Documento Adobe Acrobat 2.9 MB

Artists and poets from 22 countries:


Algérie - Algeria

Angleterre - U.K.

Argentine - Argentina

Belgique - Belgium

Brésil - Brazil

Cameroun - Cameroon

Canada - Canada

Corée du sud - South Korea

Croatie - Croatia

États-Unis - U.S.A.

France - France

Gabon - Gabon

Ile Maurice - Mauritius Island

Inde - India

Irlande - Ireland

Israël - Israël

Italie - Italy

Japon - Japan

Lettonie - Latvia

Malte - Malta Island

Maroc - Morocco

Suisse - Swizerland