Several poems by Lidia Chiarelli are published in different issues of "The Seventh Quarry" - Swansea Poetry Magazine edited
by Peter Thabit Jones, Swansea, Wales UK
IFLAC ANTI-WAR AND PEACE ANTHOLOGY 2018 created by Prof. Ada Aharoni and Dr. VijayKumar Roy is another
important step towards the achievement of Peace.
We have a precious jewel in our hands: a book to leaf through slowly to enjoy the taste of words and images that have one common denominator: the will of aworld without war.
Once again essays, poems, haikus, articles, short stories, interviews and
art lead us on the road of Peace and give us the hope that we will overcome terrorism.
We believe that the synergy of all these contributions will
generate effective prerequisites to reaching the goal we all aim to: a state of mutual understanding and harmony between peoples with different ethnicities, cultures and religions.
It is a real pleasure and an honour to be part of this book with our poems
and artworks: our gratitude to the authors of this Anthology.
Lidia Chiarelli and Gianpiero Actis, Italy
May 2018, published by Global Fraternity of Poets, India
Muse for World Peace Anthology
The poem "Let's color the world" by Lidia Chiarelli in the anthology
Poetët janë paraprijës të agimeve zbardhëllim, janë muza dhe shpirti i ëndrrave shpresërim, janë fryma dhe muzikaliteti i fjalës shenjtërim, janë koloriti më i ndritshëm i qënësisë tonë
Lidia Chiarelli, Il richiamo/The Call. Self-Translated
About the
Chiarelli was born and raised in Turin (Italy), where in 2007 she founded, with Aeronwy Thomas, the Art-literary Movement Immagine & Poesia. Lidia’s
passion for creative writing has motivated her to write poetry and she became an award-winning poet in 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017. Her writing has been translated into
different languages and published in Poetry Reviews and on websites in Italy, Great Britain, USA, Israel, Romania, France and South Korea. Her debut poetry collection Immagine & Poesia – The
Movement in Progress was published in New York by Cross-Cultural Communications (August 2013).
After visiting the Museum of Modern Art in New York in 2010, Lidia was inspired to create installations similar to Yoko Ono’s Wish Tree, hanging poems and original art
cards on the trees. Her “Poetry&Art Trees” thus began to appear in different exhibitions in Italy and abroad.
This poem (in Italian and English) appears in Lidia Chiarelli, Tramonto in una tazza/Sunset in a Cup (Edizioni Esordienti E-Book, 2017) and
is reproduced with the publisher’s permission.
Bridging the Waters II, Korean/English anthology 2017
Co-published by Korean Expatriate Literature & Cross-Cultural Communications
Yoon - Ho Cho and Stanley H. Barkan poets and publishers
Celebrate Canada 1- From Far and Wide: Multicultural Creative Writing Collection 2017
Nothing is softer or more flexible than water
yet nothing can resist it.
—Lao Tzu(born 604 BC)
We advance on the river
the boat rocks on the seething waters
and it is like hearing
the waves’ breath.
A gentle rain caresses us
the roar—strong and stronger—
is music from ancient times.
Enshrouded by a soft mist
we shiver in front of the abyss
(our glance
the frenzied
and slowly we merge into the
fathomless whiteness
of Niagara falls.
Lidia Chiarelli
CONVORBIRI LITERARE- Director: Cassian Maria SPIRIDON - România 2017
Membru fondator al Mişcării literar-artistice, Immagine &
Poesia (înfiinţată în Torino, Italia, în 2007), artist instalaţionist, poet confirmat prin premii, nominalizări şi distincţii, tradus în multe limbi. În 2011, la Primul Festival
Internaţional de Poezie din Swansea, Ţara Galilor, Marea Britanie, a primit Certificat de Apreciere pentru poezia volantă şi contribuţia la înflorirea artei. În 2014, 2015 şi 2016 a fost
nominalizată la Premiul Pushcart. Poezia ei a fost
tradusă în mai multe limbi, şi publicată în reviste de poezie, şi pe website-uri din Italia, Franţa, Marea Britanie, SUA, Canada, Albania, Romania, Coreea de Sud, Polonia, Slovacia, Republica
Cehă, India, Israel, Vietnam şi China. Cărţile de poezie ale Lidiei Chiarelli sunt disponibile pe
Prosopisia, A Venture of A.R.A.W.LII , INDIA 2017
An International Journal of Poetry and Creative Writing
Editor in Chief: Anuraag Sharma - Co-editor: Moizur Rehman Khan
Poetry Journal In Print. – Bao Giay, number 3 – 2017
Poetry Journal In Print. – Bao Giay, number 3 – 2017
The new Poetry Journal In Print. – Bao Giay, number 3 – 2017. This new bilingual poetry journal is being developed by volunteers in both the US and Vietnam. Please, feel free to share our poetry journal with others, especially with other poets.
now I think that ProfessorAda Aharoni with the publication of the IFLAC Anti-terror and PeaceAnthology has achieved this wonderful
result: what seemed impossible has become possible.
She has drawn cultures together and peoples of different ethnicities have cooperated on literary and artistic levels with mutual respect and appreciation.
Poems, but also haikus, articles, short stories, interviews and art lead us on the road of Peace and give us the hope that we will overcome terrorism.
It is a real honor to be part of this book which has been edited with a very high level of literary expertise.
Thanks to Ada Aharoni and Vijay Kumar Roy for their commitment to a better world.
…and I sensed an infinite scream passing through nature
Edvard Munch
I will not sleep tonight
no, I will not sleep and I will look at
the slow tides caressing
the shores of lonely fjords.
My eyes will get lost into
the fathomless void of the ocean
as the last rays of the sun
turn off
the crimson horizon
of a day
which wants to linger
and then
it will be the time
when in an unknown silence
I will listen to
your scream
Edvard Munch
echoing loud and poignant
by the cold winds
of a northern night.
Lidia Chiarelli, Italy
Lidia Chiarelli was born and raised in Turin (Italy) where in 2007 she founded, with Aeronwy Thomas (daughter of Dylan Thomas) and four other artists, the artistic literary
Movement: Immagine&Poesia.
Lidia’s passion for creative writing (started when she was a school teacher) has motivated her to write poetry and she became an award winning poet in 2011, 2012 and 2014. Her writing has been
translated into English, French, Slovak, Czech, Norwegian and Romanian and published in Poetry Reviews, and on web-sites in Great Britain, in the U.S.A., in Italy and in Romania.
Installation artist, Lidia Chiarelli, along with Aeronwy Thomas,
founded the art-literary movement: Immagine & Poesia,
which promotes the integration of poetry and figurative art.
“Only For Your Eyes” is the installation – small artworks on branches –
compiled by Lidia Chiarelli for the exhibition “Artist Glances”
at Promotrice delle Belle Arti in Torino Italy, December 2014 to January 2015
"Confesiuni n. 29" Romania - 2015 (Olimpia Iacob, translator)
WORLD POETRY YEAR BOOK 2014 - Date of Publication: May 2015
The Light Singing - Lyrical Mosaic - Romania - 2014
Shabdaguchha - Bilingual (Bengali/English) Poetry Journal - USA 2014
The Colour of Saying - Anthology - USA / UK 2014
Lidia Chiarelli was appointed as the official judge for the entries of Italian Poets to "The Colour of Saying - A Creative Writing Competition in Celebration of Dylan Thomas" USA / UK 2014
The anthology includes translations by Lidia Chiarelli of Dylan Thomas' and Aeronwy Thomas' poems.
Promotrice delle Belle Arti - catalogo - 2014
Catalog of the Exhibition ARTISTS' GLANCES - ONLY FOR YOUR EYES - paintings by Gianpiero Actis, poems and installation by Lidia Chiarelli (2014-2015) - The poem "LAND OF MAGIC" is published in
the catalog
Lidia Chiarelli is one of the Charter Members of Immagine & Poesia, the artistic literary Movement founded in Torino (Italy) in 2007. Her writing has been translated into English,
French and Romanian and published in Poetry Reviews, and on Web-Sites in Great Britain, in the U.S.A., in Italy and in Romania. She became an award-winning poet in 2011 and 2012 : Premio Il Meleto di Guido Gozzano, Agliè (Italy) in 2011 and 2012. In June 2011 she was awarded a Certificate of Appreciation from The
First International Poetry Festival of Swansea (U.K.) for her broadside poetry and art contribution.
“ Diamonds are forever” Ian Fleming
The sliding door opens wide, quiet and appealing Welcome to Tiffany the Aladin’s cave of the Twenty-first century. The sultriness of this summer afternoon is already behind me.
A soft pink carpet is ready for my steps - ever so stealthy - while the humming of the air conditioning becomes a sweet tune.
I cautiously hang about among the shining display cabinets
jewels with refined designs peep out.
Going up The lift boy invites me kindly.
On the second floor solitairediamonds -marquisecut - tell distant tales of mahrajahs and queens.
Going up Gift department. A very smart shop assistant puts the presents - which in Italy they expect from me - into aTiffany-blue bag and smiles.
I’m smiling too, now: like a new Audrey Hepburn today I have become part of Tiffany’s legend.
Coney Island
...or a joker in a straw putting a stickpin in his pippermint tie and looking just like he had nowhere to go but coneyisland… Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Let’s go to Coney Island today the gates are open for us the hot August air is laden with saltiness. Let’s enter and forget just for an hour the problems and troubles of life.
A windmill of sounds and fluorescent colours attracts us intoxicating magnet.
We go. The Wonder Wheel will take us high and higher our eyes will caress the city and will get lost into the blue of the ocean.
We see the carousel horses moving in a tireless dance.
We smell the sweet aroma of cotton candy slowly spreading in the air.
A magic realm is waiting to take us far through time and space:
today let’s go to Coney Island and just for an hour we will be children again.
Aquillrelle Magazine - Issue 9 January - April 2013
Matricola 4464L. Sono iscritta al corso di laurea in Lingue e Letterature straniere dell’Università di
Torino e sto preparando il mio primo esame di Letteratura Anglo-Americana.
Dopo Palazzo Campana ora anche Palazzo Nuovo è in fiamme. Da poco inaugurato, è stato occupato: la contestazione giovanile dilaga. Le lezioni cominceranno regolarmente solo dopo diversi mesi.
I telegiornali riportano notizie sulla guerra del Vietnam, sugli scontri tra polizia e manifestanti in scuole e università in Italia e all’estero, sullo sbarco degli astronauti americani
sulla luna; ed annunciano il matrimonio di John Lennon e Yoko Ono a Gibilterra, il grandioso concerto gratuito dei Rolling Stones a Hyde Park di Londra e il festival rock di Woodstock, nello
stato di New York, che raccoglie migliaia di giovani.
Il messaggio degli scrittori della Beat Generation mi affascina.
Con Allen Ginsberg attraverso le corsie di un Supermarket in California e giro fra “luccicanti pile di lattine” e “frutta al neon”; seguo Jack
Kerouac nei suoi spostamenti On the Road da una costa all’altra degli Stati Uniti, ma è soprattutto Lawrence Ferlinghetti, con quel cognome italiano, ad
attirare la mia attenzione.
Lawrence Ferlinghetti che parla ai giovani di anticonformismo, di libertà e di pace, Lawrence Ferlinghetti che nella poesia I am waiting dice di essere “in perpetua attesa di una
rinascita del miracolo”, Lawrence Ferlinghetti che sfida le autorità e viene arrestato per avere osato pubblicare parole proibite, che fa della sua libreria e casa editrice - la City Lights
Bookstore - il frequentato punto di incontro dei giovani intellettuali dissidenti.
San Francisco, North Beach, 29 luglio 2013
Lawrence Ferlinghetti ha accettato di incontrarmi al Caffe Trieste.
Aspetto poco fiduciosa, non sono sicura che, con i suoi 94 anni, si ricordi di venire.
Sono già le 10:45 e l’appuntamento - fissato con l’aiuto di Giada Diano, la sua biografa italiana - era per un quarto d’ora prima.
Alle pareti del locale sono appese molte fotografie in bianco e nero di personaggi celebri negli anni ’60 e ’70, per lo più poeti e musicisti.
Dal bancone servono boccali di birra e grandi bicchieri di caffè americano a quelli che sembrano abituali avventori.
Quando ad un tratto la sua figura inconfondibile si delinea attraverso la porta a vetri.
A stento trattengo l’emozione, gli vado incontro e scopro che i suoi occhi sono ancora più blu di come appaiono in fotografia, occhi che ti catturano e ti affascinano, occhi che ancora
rispecchiano gli ideali per cui ha sempre combattuto e per cui ancora continua a combattere.
Le ore scorrono veloci, mentre parliamo di poesia, di arte e di politica, mentre racconta del suo amore mai sopito per l’Italia, per quell’Italia da cui era partito suo padre Carlo,
giovane emigrante bresciano, nel 1894.
Ci lasciamo con un suo messaggio di saluto e di affetto per Torino, città che ha avuto modo di visitare due volte e che è rimasta impressa nei suoi ricordi.
Gli stringo forte la mano, sapendo che questo incontro non potrà non lasciare un segno e che entrerà a far parte di quei momenti magici, unici e irripetibili della mia vita.
Ekphrasis- Merrill Memorial Library Arts- Poems speaking to Silent Works of Art - 2013
Yarmouth, ME-USA
Poems by Lidia Chiarelli: The Ocean's Call, page 13, Surfer in Waves, page 27
Shabdaguchha - Bilingual (Bengali/English) Poetry Journal - USA - 2013
The poems "Times Square" and "City Lights Bookstore - for Lawrence Ferlinghetti" are published in the Literary Journal edited by Hassanal Abdullah, NY - USA
Lidia Chiarelli is one of the Charter Members of Immagine & Poesia, the artistic literary Movement founded in Torino (Italy) in 2007. Her writing has been translated into English, French and
Romanian and published in Poetry Reviews, and on Web-Sites in Great Britain, in the U.S.A., in Italy and in Romania.
She became an award-winning poet in 2011 and 2012 : Premio Il Meleto di Guido Gozzano, Agliè (Italy) in 2011 and 2012. In June 2011 she was awarded a Certificate of Appreciation from The First
International Poetry Festival of Swansea (U.K.) for her broadside poetry and art contribution.
“ Diamonds are forever” Ian Fleming
The sliding door
opens wide, quiet and appealing
Welcome to Tiffany
the Aladin’s cave
of the Twenty-first century.
The sultriness of this summer afternoon
is already behind me.
A soft pink carpet
is ready for my steps
- ever so stealthy -
while the humming of the air conditioning
becomes a sweet tune.
I cautiously hang about
among the shining display cabinets
jewels with refined designs
peep out.
Going up
The lift boy
invites me kindly.
On the second floor solitairediamonds
- marquisecut -
tell distant tales
of mahrajahs and queens.
Going up
Gift department.
A very smart shop assistant
puts the presents
- which in Italy they expect from me -
into a Tiffany-blue bag
and smiles.
I’m smiling too, now:
like a new Audrey Hepburn
today I have become part of
Tiffany’s legend.
Coney Island
...or a joker in a straw putting a stickpin in his pippermint tie and looking just like he had nowhere to go but coneyisland… Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Let’s go to Coney Island
today the gates are open for us
the hot August air
is laden with saltiness.
Let’s enter and forget
just for an hour
the problems and troubles of life.
A windmill
of sounds and fluorescent colours
attracts us
intoxicating magnet.
We go.
The Wonder Wheel
will take us high and higher
our eyes will caress the city
and will get lost into the blue of the ocean.
We see
the carousel horses
moving in a tireless dance.
We smell
the sweet aroma of cotton candy
slowly spreading in the air.
A magic realm is waiting
to take us far
through time and space:
today let’s go to Coney Island
and just for an hour
we will be children again.
Torino Percorsi di Luce 2011
Volume realizzato per i 150 dell'Unità d'Italia sulla storia dell'illuminazione pubblica a Torino con particolare riguardo all'opera
dell'ing. Guido Chiarelli, artefice di numerosi ed innovativi impianti di illuminazione per "Italia 61"
THE MANIFESTO fo the Movement IMMAGINE & POESIA published on